Monday, April 18, 2011

About Scarlett

Hi, my name is Scarlett. There are a lot of quirky things about me, but I'm sure you'll see more of that in this blog. =)

I enjoy surfing, swimming in creeks, pools, beaches, lakes, (pretty much anything with swimmable water), and being outside.
My favorite food is pasta and artichokes.
My favorite animal is a cow. Moo!
I have two pets: a cat named Bella Fiona and a dog named Sophia Temple.
I love videography and photography, and I want to either be an author or a photographer when I grow up.
I love the Lord and all He's done, and I hope one day in your life you'll come to know Him. =)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE YOU SCARLETT! should i do something like this on here?
